Please visit this page to clear all LQ-related cookies. Email Required, but never shown. When I run the installer, it says "Error: A more drastic patch to confirm that this is the flushing bug I think it is By joining our community you will have the ability to post topics, receive our newsletter, use the advanced search, subscribe to threads and access many other special features.
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Graphics Drivers for Linux*

Rafael Lanna linuc December Restart your interface or just reboot you machine and go back to system settings - details - graphics and verify that your drivers are displayed. Email Required, but never shown. This worked for me on Ubuntu If you'd like to contribute content, let us know.

I've uploaded commit abfdabe fbed65fab 83fdc4 Author: Is this and unsupported configuration? There are no proprietary drivers available in the hardware manager.

Intel 82Q/Q integrated graphics controller issues

I still have the same issue - not sure if it's made it into Can't reproduce with Thinkpad X61 with iGM, same generation as gm Sign up using Facebook. Typically you see the affects after running for some time intl that memory pressure takes effect or after resume.

So please try with the latest kernel that is available since late yesterday. Shekin 5 January I let you know about the results Having a problem logging in? This is impossible x.

Let me know if I should try anything else, or if this is enough to verify that it's not pixman The problem still persists.

Linux - Hardware This forum is for Hardware issues. I've just tested the latest git, but unfortunately the problem persists.

Bug Watch Updater bug-watch-updater on Intel integrated graphics card. That will tell us whether the corruption occurs as we render the glyphs using the GPU or as we upload. Then apt update and retry, for me this have worked.

For more on this, please see the official Ubuntu documentation: Jonathan Thomas echidnaman on Ubuntu no longer uses xorg. Lonnie Lee Best launchpad-startport wrote on Changed in xserver-xorg-video-intel Ubuntu: Anirban Ghosh, thank you for your comment.

Intel Linux Graphics Drivers Installer on Linux Mint

By joining our community you will have the ability to post topics, receive our newsletter, use the advanced search, subscribe to threads and access many other special features.

But in the attached screenshot, some of the lines of text never showed any corruption, while others usually showed some corruption, the corruption changing on switching focus to another window and back. Today, we can barely pick one. Where did you take this Details window?


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